Illustrated children’s books to help you help them children’s books are written by an experienced educator who knows how children think, and who understands which subjects parents and teachers find difficult to explain to the very young.
Whether it’s that child with autism who scares your child with their behaviour, or a death in the family – whether it’s that talk you need to have about private parts of the body, or friendship problems – whether it’s intolerance of difference, or bullying, or trauma and anxiety – Early Childhood educator and author Candy Lawrence has a story that will speak to children in their own language with situations they recognise.
More than just children’s books
Beautifully illustrated with collage and reflecting best practice in childcare and education, books come with digital handbooks which can be downloaded by purchasers. Each handbook is a valuable educational and parenting resource which has been compiled in consultation with experts in the specific field covered in the story.
Handbooks are updated as needed. We will inform you by email when an update is available.
New release! Mean Eric
Bullying has become the scourge of our society, and there are no easy answers – but we have to talk about it. This engaging story written from a child’s perspective helps adults to open a conversation with small children about responding to mean behaviour, building self esteem and being an ally when they see another child being bullied. The accompanying digital handbook gives parents and carers ideas for activities, evidence to support the suggested strategies, research-based advice on responding to bullying incidents and links to further reading.
Browse our range of illustrated children’s books
Sharing the love

A good read to help build understanding of autism for children….it’s a good read and well illustrated too….Being Friends with Bodie Finch by Candy Lawrence.
Maggie Dent

I recently came across this wonderful book, written for educators and parents to share with children on the topic of ASD.
“Snatching toys, spoiling games, throwing chairs – Zara just can’t take the new boy’s behaviour any more! But then Miss Tinker comes into Zara’s class, and shows Zara what life is really like for Bodie Finch. Armed with this understanding, little Zara reaches out the hand of friendship – and the result surprises everyone. This picture book unlocks the mysteries of autism in child-friendly language and comes with a digital handbook to help teachers and parents work Miss Tinker’s magic in their own classrooms and homes.”
Dr Kaylene Henderson – Child Psychiatrist
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