We need to talk about BOTTOMS!

$30.00 GST inc.

Poor Mr Deng! Eric has kicked the football hard, and hit him where it really hurts.

As the children talk about the incident, Mrs Baker realises that they don’t know accurate words to talk about their genitals. It’s very confusing, so she and Mr Deng teach them the correct words to use when they need to pass on important information.

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How do you start a conversation with children about their genitals? It can be very daunting for parents and teachers, who often feel embarrassed themselves about using the accurate words for private body parts. Using slang terms for the genitals is common but unhelpful when reporting child abuse, or when there’s a medical issue the child needs to tell you about.

This book is an easy way to raise the subject of children’s personal anatomy and how they describe it. The story is based around a playground accident. The pictures are anatomically accurate, yet drawn in a style appropriate for the age group.

Research has shown that child abusers avoid targeting children who know the scientific names for their genitals. They assume that this child feels safe discussing such things with their parents or carers, which might put the predator at risk of discovery.

‘We need to talk about BOTTOMS!’ is multicultural and non-gender prescriptive. It comes with a helpful digital handbook for parents and teachers, and is an important tool to help protect all children from sexual predators.


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